We took Sophia to her first Twins game on July 31 (the day before the bridge collapse). She didn't understand what everyone was clapping for, and she would always start clapping just as the crowd was finishing. But she had a blast! Here are some pictures:
Also, she finally got her first tooth on the top and the second top tooth is close. Still just three on the bottom though, and no sign of number four. She's always been one to do things her own way :-) (UPDATED: the second tooth on top is through!)
She's standing by herself for a few seconds every once in a while. Now that she is finally crawling, and is getting very good at it, she doesn't have as much interest in standing. I think it's going to be a while before she takes her first steps.
We have also been working on some basic sign language with Sophia and think she's finally catching on. A couple of times, before a meal, I've asked her if she wanted to eat and signed "eat" to her, and she has signed back! She has also done the sign for "more" a few times, always after I did it first. We're also working on "drink" "please" and "sleep." Once she gets the hang of these, I'm going to have to learn some more signs!
And, perhaps the most exciting first for us, is that we think she is working on saying her first word! She's been saying "mama" and "dada" for a while, but I'm still not sure if she really knows what they mean. But, the other day, we were playing with the dog and I said, "Nelly, Nelly, Nelly." Sophia looked at me, looked at Nelly, and said, "neh, neh, neh." We went back and forth like this quite a few times, and it really seems like she knows who Nelly is and that "neh" is her way of saying Nelly. Then, on Thursday, we were at the vet picking up Nelly from getting a bath and there were about four other dogs in the waiting room. Sophia kept pointing at the other dogs and saying "neh." Nelly=dog to my brilliant almost-10-month old :-)
Isn't it so fun to see them developing?? It's rewarding. Especially when you know you were the one to teach her that. She is getting so big and is just so adorable, too!
Wow - great news on the signing. Before you know it she will start signing without prompts from you. It has been so amazing for us and I'm thrilled to hear you are doing it, too!
Also, GREAT news on the speaking front. Yes, she is a genius!
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