My baby girl turned nine months old last week. She will be one in less than three months. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. I will try to take some more pictures and get them posted this weekend, but here are a few updates:
• One of her top teeth is *almost* through! She was crabby all last weekend, but (knock on wood) has been sleeping through the night for the past few nights. I worked this morning, so we were up early, and I actually didn't take a nap today! This is a VERY big deal for me.
(UPDATE 7/28: Apparently, I spoke too soon. Last night was one of the worst nights with Sophia since she was itty bitty. She was awake, and crabby, from midnight until just after 4 a.m. Then up for the morning before 8. Oy. But that darn tooth is through the skin now. Hopefully, tonight will be better. Mama needs more than 4 hours of sleep!)
• She is crawling all over the place, and she is fast! I walked to the garbage can in the kitchen and she was all the way across the room. We really need to finish baby-proofing the house.
• After Labor Day, I will start working three mornings a week. Sophia is having a great time socializing at "school" and really enjoys going. This morning, for the very first time, I put her down to play with her friends and she turned to me and waved "bye-bye"! It was sad that she didn't need me, but was also nice because I know she is fine there while I'm working. And when I came to get her three hours later, I picked her up and she waved good-bye to her friends and teachers. That's one smart girl we're raising!