Friday, May 11, 2007

And we have a tooth!

Last evening, Sophia was giving me "kisses" (slobbering all over my chin) when she bit down and it HURT! Like any good mom, I immediately stuck my finger into her mouth, and discovered a tiny little tooth poking through on the bottom left.

I should also add that *crossing my fingers* Sophia has finally started to sleep good at night. For the past five nights (tonight will be the sixth) she has been sleeping from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m., getting up only once or twice. And on Tuesday night she actually slept for the whole 11 hours straight! This, from the girl who was waking up as many as 10 times a night only one short month ago. This did not happen by accident. It has taken a lot of work. But it seems to be finally paying off! It has been eight months since I had a really good night's sleep. Hopefully soon...


kristine said...

Sara - we are having the same problem with graycen and waking through the night - can i just ask, what are you/have you been doing?
yay on the tooth. isn't it super exciting?

Sara @ Happy Apple said...

The main thing we did, was let her sleep on her tummy. She's rolling over occasionally now, the her doc said it was fine. Other than that, we implemented a strict bedtime routine.

Here it is:
Turn on the lamp, turn on the lullaby CD, massage (with one certain lotion, since scent is such a strong memory trigger), put on pjs, nurse in rocking chair, read "I Love You, Good Night," put her in her crib, turn on night light, turn off lamp, restart CD, kiss her on the head, say "Shh, it's time to go to sleep," and walk out. On nights that she gets a bath, that's the first thing in the routine.

In order to get her to this point, we spent a month doing this, then sitting next to her bed, in the dark, patting her back, singing, etc. until she fell asleep. Once she was falling asleep within a few minutes, we started leaving immediately after the routine. She sometimes fusses for a few minutes, but we never let her cry for more than about 5. If she's crying now, it means she's still hungry. I'll go back in, pick her up, and nurse her in the chair, in the dark. Then repeat the last few steps of the routine and she's out.

The biggest things for us were the routine, letting her sleep on her tummy, and helping her figure out how to fall asleep, on her own, in her crib. When we would put her in there already asleep, she was up in an hour.

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I hear her fuss a bit, and she now knows how to put herself back to sleep. Last night, she went to bed at 9, was up (hungry) at 1:30 and again (hungry) at 5, then up for the day at 8. Not a great night, but SO much better than what she had been doing :-)

Hill Family said...

Sara- Wow that is Great. I am glad to here that you and Sophia are getting better sleep. Mason will fall asleep between 8pm-815pm and wake up usually between 5am-6am.
I hope someday he will sleep in longer. But yes it is all about routine that is for sure. We have a routine everynight, as well as for Tristian. Although I have not done the putting him in the crib awake routine, I will have to try that but he always falls asleep when I give him a bottle.

Yes teeth that is exciting so far mason has two bottom teeth.

Marketing Mama said...

Sara, I love your blog! I just started one, too. Sophia is so cute! Congratulations on the first tooth! :)