Friday, June 29, 2007


Last night, I went in to check on Sophia in her crib and found her lying like this:

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

For Chad's first Father's Day, I took Sophia to do a special photo shoot, just for daddy. Here are a couple pictures:

And here's a link to see the rest of the shoot:

I figured Twins pictures were appropriate for a man who wanted to name our baby Johan!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Grand Old Day

On Sunday, we took Sophia to Grand Old Day in St. Paul. She had a blast. It was also *almost* her first concent. We stood outside the area where Tapes 'n Tapes were playing, but we couldn't go in (no kids allowed). But she was sound asleep by then anyway. Here's a picture of her after she crashed. Sorry the quality is so bad - we forgot the camera at home, so I took this on my cell phone.